

サヨナラは悲しい言葉じゃない それぞれの夢へと僕らを繋ぐ YELLともに過ごした日々を胸に抱いて 飛び立つよ 未来(つぎ)の空へ


「"わたし"は今 どこに在るの」と
Thinking, (Where am "I "now?)

踏みしめた足跡を 何度も見つめ返す
I look back on the footprint I've left again and again

枯葉を抱き 秋めく窓辺に
I scooped up the dead leaves in my arms

かじかんだ指先で 夢を描いた
And drew my dreams on the autumn window with my numb fingertips pre-chorus

翼はあるのに 飛べずにいるんだ
I have wings but I can't fly

ひとりになるのが 恐くて つらくて
I'm too afraid of being alone, it's too painful

優しいひだまりに 肩寄せる日々を
We're leaving behind those days of cuddling in the gentle sun

越えて 僕ら 孤独な夢へと歩く
And walking on to our lonely dreams chorus

Goodbye isn't a sad word

それぞれの夢へと僕らを繋ぐ YELL
It's a yell that connects us to our respective dreams

I'll hold the days we spent together in my heart

飛び立つよ 独りで未来の 空へ
And take off alone to my next sky verse

僕らはなぜ 答えを焦って
Why do we get impatient for an answer?

And search for ourselves in darkness so deep that we get lost in it?

誰かをただ 想う涙も
Just think of someone, the tears

真っ直ぐな 笑顔も ここに在るのに
And straightforward smiles right here? verse

"ほんとうの自分"を 誰かの台詞で
Someone's line of "true self"

繕うことに 逃れて 迷って
We get off track, get confused and think it's made up

ありのままの弱さと 向き合う強さを
We'll take hold of our natural weakness and the strength to face it

つかみ 僕ら 初めて 明日へと 駆ける
And start running to tomorrow for the first time verse

Maybe everytime we say goodbye to someone

僕らまた変われる 強くなれるかな
We can change, we can become stronger

Even if we take off to different skies

途絶えはしない想いよ 今も胸に
This love won't stop and it still remains in my heart bridge

永遠など無いと (気づいたときから)
Ever since I realized there's no such things as eternity

笑い合ったあの日も (唄い合ったあの日も)
This day we laughed together, and the day we sang together

強く 深く 胸に 刻まれていく
Has been strongly and deeply carved into my heart

だからこそあなたは (だからこそ僕らは)
That's why you, that's why we

他の誰でもない (誰にも負けない)
Aren't anybody else, can't beaten by anyone

声を (挙げて) "わたし"を 生きていくよと
We raised our voices and we'd lives our ways

I promised

ひとり (ひとり) ひとつ (ひとつ) 道を選んだ
Each of us chose our own path chorus

Goodbye isn't a sad word

それぞれの夢へと僕らを繋ぐ YELL
It's a yell that connects us to our respective dreams

いつかまためぐり逢う そのときまで
Until we meet again someday

忘れはしない誇りよ 友よ 空へ
I won't forget this pride, my friend, into the sky chorus

We have a word that we share

こころからこころへ 声を繋ぐ YELL
It's a yell thay connects our voices, one heart to another

I'll hold the days we spent together in my heart

飛び立つよ 独りで 未来の空へ
And take off alone to my next sky

同じカテゴリー(My favorite songs)の記事
Yesterday once more
Yesterday once more(2023-02-12 13:08)

Posted by らんらん・ライブラリー at 16:00 │My favorite songs